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Manteยญniยญmiento y seguridad de la flotaMejora la seguridad con herraยญmientas de formaciรณn para conductores, dashcam IA, inspecciรณn digitaยญlizada y manteยญniยญmiento programado de vehรญculos
Adminisยญtraciรณn de la fuerza de trabajoAumenta la producยญtiยญvidad con la navegaciรณn profesional, la optimiยญzaciรณn de rutas y la gestiรณn de รณrdenes
ConformidadInspecยญciones de vehiculos y adminisยญtraciรณn de la cadena de frรญo
Sosteยญniยญbiยญlidad y vehรญculos elรฉctricosReduce el CO2s con la conducciรณn ecolรณgica y la optimiยญzaciรณn de vehรญculos elรฉctricos

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Cirrus makes investment in technology to boost fleet efficiency

London February 19, 2013
Cirrus Communication Systems (Cirrus) has successfully restructured its fleet operations, introducing TomTom business technology to improve health and safety, tackle costs and boost efficiency.

The social housing telecare, fire safety and security maintenance specialist has invested in a sophisticated fleet management system, combining vehicle tracking, driver feedback and fuel monitoring.

By monitoring speed and driver behaviour, Cirrus is aiming to promote a safer, more efficient driving style among employees. As a result, the company aims to benefit from reduced fuel bills, lower insurance premiums and reduced maintenance on vehicles.

Due to the size of our mobile workforce, Cirrus wants to ensure the health, safety and welfare of those who need to drive company vehicles as part of their job said Steve Russell, Head of Cirrus. Through an investment in fleet management technology we can help mitigate risk and improve driving behaviour

By reducing our carbon footprint and servicing costs at the same time as improving productivity and service standards, our fleet operations can provide solid foundations for future business growth, reducing operating costs which in turn makes us even more competitive

TomTom reseller One Track UK Ltd worked with Cirrus to create a bespoke system incorporating 111 LINK 510 tracking units alongside ecoPLUS fuel management devices.

ecoPLUS takes live data directly from the vehicleโ€™s engine management system to provide managers with a detailed picture of fuel efficiency. Data on everything from fuel consumption and idling time to gear selection and rpm can be used to profile drivers and improve performance behind the wheel, using the Optidrive indicator.

Operating a workforce of more than 90 mobile engineers across the country, Cirrus intends to improve customer service through more efficient despatch and workflow management processes.

The system will also help Cirrus with tax compliance by keeping robust records of business and private mileage. Each device is fitted with a hardwired privacy switch to indicate business or private use, while drivers are allocated login details which allow them to manage logbook and trip data in the WEBFLEET fleet management software.

Giles Margerison, Sales Director at TomTom Business Solutions, added: The bespoke nature of advanced fleet management systems means they can be tailored to deliver a wealth of returns, from reduced fuel costs and greater efficiency to better safety and an improved risk profile

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